Festa Design Studio's logo wordmark

We design for good.

The diagram shows Festa Design Studio's working approach.

How we work.

At Festa, we embrace a three-stage approach that aligns with our dedication to designing for good and creating sustainable social impact.

Immersive Research

Every project begins with us immersing ourselves in the world of the people we're designing for. We don't just work off of desktop research; we get out into the field to listen, observe, and engage. By understanding the nuances of each community and issue, our designs become more than just visuals—they become powerful tools for social change.

Collaborative Design

We know that those who face challenges every day are the real experts. So, Festa's process is deeply collaborative. Working alongside stakeholders, we brainstorm, sketch, and dream up creative solutions together. It's this partnership approach that ensures our designs have a lasting impact.

Iterative Prototyping

Ideas are great, but tangible prototypes bring them to life. That's why we always move from concepts to something you can see, feel, and interact with. Through an iterative cycle of prototyping, testing, and refining, we make sure our solutions hit the mark before they make their way into the world.