Festa Design Studio's logo wordmark

We design for good.

Project design.

Tailored for socially-minded organizations, helping them to turn visionary ideas into actionable, sustainable projects.

Extension of your team.

Creating impactful projects that resonate with communities and contribute to a better future.

Project Planning and Development.

Using Theory of Change to define your project goals, objectives, outcomes, outputs, activities, inputs and developing logical frameworks.

Budget Development.

Preparing detailed budgets that align with project activities and objectives. Identifying potential sources of funding and creating financial plans.

Needs Assessment and Feasibility Studies.

Conducting research to understand the issues and needs of the target population. Evaluating the feasibility of proposed solutions or interventions.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System Design.

Creating systems and tools for ongoing monitoring of project activities. Designing evaluation frameworks to assess outcomes and impact.

Proposal Writing and Fundraising Support.

Writing grant proposals to secure funding from donors, foundations, and governments. Crafting compelling narratives and justifications for funding.

Participatory Design Facilitation.

Facilitating workshops and sessions that involve stakeholders in the project design process. Employing participatory approaches to ensure community ownership and relevance.