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We design for good.

Zika alert app.

Health, Product design, Mobile app

An initiative dedicated to protecting individuals from the Zika virus through real-time information and alerts.

Zika virus wordmark, mosquito icon, virus icon arranged as pattern


Zika is an infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted primarily by Aedes species mosquito.

These mosquitoes bite during the day and night and are predominantly found in certain regions. Zika virus can be transmitted through sex and can be passed from a pregnant person to their fetus.

Zika virus has been declared a public health emergency, with as many as 1.5 million suspected cases in Brazil alone, and has the potential to spread widely due to the global distribution of the mosquito vectors.

Research Goals.

Design a native app on iOS that effectively alerts the target audience about the risks of Zika virus.

Understand the current awareness levels and information sources for health-related risks like Zika. Determine the primary concerns users have regarding Zika and similar outbreaks.

Target Audience.

Pregnant individuals and their partners.
Women and men planning to conceive.
Outdoor workers in Zika-prone countries.
Travelers to and from Zika-affected areas.

Research Methologies.

We used several methodologies to gain a broad understanding as well as specific insights about user needs and behaviours:

Literature Review

Identified gaps in academic and medical resources that shaped the problem statement and solution.

Competitive Analysis

Analysed how other apps provide alerts and how users interact with these apps.


Broader sense of user behaviors and to identify prevalent patterns and attitudes.

As we continue pushing the boundaries of design and technology at Festa Design Studio, our mission remains clear: to create meaningful, impactful, and engaging digital experiences.

The Zika Alert App is just the beginning. We are on a mission to pave the way for a future where technology serves as a guardian, protector, and ally in every aspect of human life.

View Zika alert app product design process.

Design team
Abayomi Ogundipe
Carlos Paolo
Product design, Mobile app