Festa Design Studio's logo wordmark

We design for good.

Questions and answers.

Hello there! 👋 We're thrilled you're curious about Festa and how we sprinkle a little bit of design magic on the world. We know diving into a partnership or project can stir up a bunch of questions. So, we've gathered some heart-to-heart FAQs to guide you through what working with us feels like.

So, what's the story behind Festa Design Studio?

We're a bunch of design-minded folks who believe in using our skills for a greater good. We come together under Festa's banner to help organizations with a social mission amplify their impact through innovative design solutions. Our studio is more than just a workplace; it's a launchpad for ideas that aim to make the world a slightly better place.

And why do you focus on designing for good?

Simply put, we think design has the power to change things - for the better. We've seen firsthand how the right visual communication can elevate a message, engage communities, and mobilize change. That's the kind of work that gets us out of bed in the morning!

What can Festa help me with?

Social Impact Design: Think of it as end-to-end support, from brainstorming to bringing your social project to life.

Communication design: Here's where we make sure your message hits home, crafting visuals and narratives that resonate with your audience.

What specific services we offer?

Brand Identity Design, Print and Digital Design, Infographics and Data Visualization, Illustration and Icons, Typography and Type Design, Packaging Design, Advertising Design, Publication Design, User Interface (UI) Design, User Experience (UX) Design.

Who do you usually work with?

Our hearts beat for change-makers, purpose-driven NGOs and non-profits, social enterprises, businesses with a cause, and any organization looking to make a positive dent in the universe. If that sounds like you, we're already excited to meet!

How does the magic happen at Festa?

We're all about getting to know you and your mission on a deep level. That means rolling up our sleeves, understanding the nuances of your challenge, and then brainstorming ways to tackle it, design-wise. It's a journey we take together, step by reflective step, towards a solution that nails your objectives.

Could you walk me through a typical project cycle at Festa?

Sure thing! It goes a bit like this:

Kickoff & Discovery: We start with a deep-dive into your world.

Defining and Strategy: Based on insights, we map out the plan.

Design and Development: This is where ideas start taking shape.

Reflect & Refine: We tweak and tune, based on your feedback.

Launch & Celebrate: Launching solution with support for implementation.

And how do you keep the lines of communication open during a project?

Transparency is our middle name. Expect regular catch-ups, updates aplenty, and a standing invite to reach out with any thoughts, feedback, or just to say hi. We tailor our toolset (like Trello, Asana, Zoom, Google meet, Teams, you name it) to fit the project and keep us all on the same page.

How does pricing and payment work?

We get it - budgets aren't infinite. That's why we chat through your needs, scope out the project, and then lay out a detailed quote and payment plan that respects your budget. The goal? To make sure financials don't stand in the way of impactful work.

Can you provide examples of your work?

Certainly! a flagship projects we're proud of are:

Zika Alert App: A real-time alert app designed to protect high-risk populations from the Zika virus. Literal life-saving design work!

What tools does Festa Design Studio use for design work?

Our toolkit includes industry-standard design and collaboration tools to ensure high efficiency and effectiveness throughout the design process. While the specific tools may vary depending on project needs, they generally include Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, Sketch, InVision, and various project management platforms such as Trello, Slack or Asana.